Our ExpertiseE in App Development
Our experienced developers and designers who have worked with a great number of businesses from various industries have shared their expertise and offered their insights on app development process and cost of outsourcing app development. Over the years in the IT market, our talented specialists have gained a deep understanding of the social and technological aspect of app creation. You could not possibly find a better candidate to share the mobile market’s secrets and cost formation factors.
How Do I Choose the Right Developer?
Reputation is what matters most when choosing the developer of your future mobile application. We recommend you to pay attention to firms that won awards, have been mentioned on authoritative sources related with Internet technologies and, last but not least, have a solid experience in the particular field you are interested in. If you need to develop a complex system solution with lots of features and elaborate designs, an agency that has previously built only simple apps will hardly be able to help.

Our Achievements:

322 App Development Projects
413 Mobile Applications
75 Enterprise Software Solutions

What if I Start Developing the App on My Own?

Of course, you can. But keep in mind that it might turn out badly - developers call such situations “rescue operations”. In other words, these are projects that people have started either by themselves or with the help of some third-party developers who failed to deliver the expected results, and, as a result, they come to more experienced professionals to help them sort out the mess. They are looking for specialists that will be able to finish the development and launch the product. Another possibility is that they have already released an app but it just does not work, receives awful reviews and spoils the company’s reputation, so they want somebody to fix it.

Why Hire A Team Of Professionals?

Although you can begin working on the product on your own, it is most likely that you will not be able to achieve the quality and the seamless experience that only professionals have enough expertise to provide for. A skilful and creative team will bring more value to the project than an inexperienced amateur developer.

An application is a result of hard work and team cooperation - it is like a play on the stage. You only see actors on the stage, but you do not know how long it took to rehearse and how much was done behind the scenes. App development is a complex process that requires a lot of discipline, lean procedures and the participation of excellent specialists.

outsourcing app creation price

Development Team

An exemplary development team includes the following experts:

  • Account manager who is an intermedium between the client and the firm, working with project managers, programmers and other specialists to keep the client informed and control the progress of the development;
  • Project manager is kind of a chief executive of the project who oversees the application.
  • Designer who is responsible for the visual content that is later coded by the programmers;
  • Coders who bring the designs to life by adding some programming magic;


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Cost of Outsourcing Project Creation

No develop can tell you the exact cost right away, and if they can, it should put you on alert, because such agency is hardly interested in your success.

To estimate the cost of outsourcing app development, the development company should conduct an expansive interview with the client to identify their business needs, demands and feature specifications for the future product. However, you should keep in mind that it is impossible to specify all the requirements for the application in advance, because the mobile market is fast-changing and you need to act fast, introduce changes and add new features as the project moves forward.

What is Minimum Viable Product?

The cost of MVP differs for each particular project - it is impossible to provide the client with exact figures. For instance, if your objective is to create a simple social media application where users will share content, it will not cost much. But if you want a complex e-commerce solution with integrated shopping cart services, online payment tools, databases, profiles and an email marketing platform, then you should look forward to spend much more, because you will need the services of many specialists like back-end programmers.

Many experts recommend to those who wish to estimate the amount of resources they will need for the first year of operation to look at successful startups - how much money have they made over the same period? As a rule, young companies start with a moderate budget loaned from friends and family or fundraised. This sum of money is typically enough for half a year, enabling the company to pick up the pace. After the money has run out, they need to raise a bridge between a seed round and Series A. Most likely, they will need a bigger sum to take the prototype validated at the first stage to the next level and improve it to prepare for launch. So what is the total? Bringing together these budgets, you will be able to calculate approximate outsourcing development costs. However, this can help you consider your financial capabilities, but to estimate the app’s cost and development time you will have to conduct a much deeper analysis.

Another option you have is hiring a freelancer, which brings you lower costs and inevitably higher risks. What do you put at risk? Poor work ethics, bad habits, misunderstandings, lack of commitment to the project and non-availability. With a 99% certainty, unless you strike it lucky, a freelancer will deliver a product that hardly matches the initial concept and expectations. Compare app development price to the cost of shooting a new film from an original script. Budget and talent lay the foundation for the project’s success, as well as your motivation and enthusiasm to bring your ideas to life. Be ready to put as many efforts into designing a brand-new application as you would if you were to shoot your debut film. However, if you want that film to be a blockbuster rather than a student short, you need to invest much more time and resources - the same is true for app development. Spending so much money and energies into the product, you will certainly want to your project team to be as dedicated to your goals as you are rather than to deal with a freelancer who has other jobs and employers besides you.

You cannot learn app development other than by trial and error. One of the secrets is that you should not become obsessed with your project. You should validate your idea through rigorous beta tests, proof-of-concept and MVP development before proceeding to another round of funding and starting a full-fledged marketing campaign. Many app developers have big expectations for their innovative products even before initiating the actual development process. Do not repeat their mistake - you should start the ball rolling before you can see where it rolls. Cherish your brilliant idea, believe in yourself and hire professionals to guide you through a complicated world of app design and bring your vision to life, creating a product that will have all the chances to change the mobile market and fascinate your customers.

Why Outsource Software Development?

We are a reliable and forward-minded team of coding masters, design geniuses and project gurus. Our talented experts always strive to deliver the best results and add maximum value to your business. Creating first-class apps is our passion. Our goal is to develop applications that customers will love, that will bring you money and get to the top of app stores. We always explore new trends, learn about new technologies and translate our knowledge and expertise into our products.

Work With Us

Our designers and developers have an in-depth understanding of Android, iOS, web-based solutions and bespoke software that enables them to build quality solutions that work for your success.

Our app development firm can help you create a perfect mobile app, develop the strategies for its monetisation and ensure the long-term success of the project. Contact us to chat. We will be glad to hear from you.

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