


A young entrepreneur from Indonesia partnered with Magora to create a car sharing platform that would address one of the most pressing issues of the country’s capital. Being a home to almost 10 million people, Jakarta has no proper public transport network. Our client wanted to provide Indonesians with an easy way to find passengers and drivers for shared rides, which would make up for the lack of public transport and allow people to get from one place to another at minimal expense and in good company.

Magora: Brief

Magora’s experts began developing this project from scratch. We helped the client conceptualise his ideas into fully-fledged requirement specifications, collected robust analytics and created a design concept, laying the groundwork for the car sharing website. We then proceeded to programming, building a system where all information is maintained in a database located on a web server. To make this possible, we utilised the following technologies:


Backend: Loopback, PostgreSQL, Node.js
Frontend: AJAX, SPA, WebSockets, ReactJS, Redux.js, Flux


As a result, we created a user-friendly website with robust functionality that helps users find or advertise a ride, share transportation costs and meet new people. To access the website, search for rides and view results, users need an established internet connection. The system also has the capability of representing both summary and detailed information about the users and their cars. All Tebengan users are divided into three categories:

  • Readers who can search for rides and sign up or log in via social networks.
  • Users who can both offer and look for rides, as well as submit reviews of other users. The system has multiple criteria users can specify to find appropriate rides such as start and destination points, car sharing conditions and driver ratings. Once a user has found a suitable ride, they can confirm it and make payment if this is stipulated in the conditions set by the driver.
  • Administrators who can manage the overall system, activate, deactivate, block and delete user accounts, monitor abuse reports and solve payment issues.

Some of Tebengan’s signature features are:

  • View a list of popular rides
  • Search within a given radius
  • Receive push notifications in case of any journey changes
  • Monitor rides and request seats
  • Request the driver pick up or drop off the passenger at any point en route
  • Access a calendar of previous rides
  • Chat with drivers and fellow passengers
Magora: Solution

Tebengan is bringing tangible value to all Indonesians thanks to its unique philosophy, which distinguishes it from other car sharing platforms and taxi services. It can be described in three simple words - relations over money. The aim of the Tebangan app solution is to help drivers and passengers connect to each other and have a good time travelling together.  Drivers can set their own conditions for each ride, requiring a passenger to pay a certain amount of money, tell an interesting story or buy them a cup of coffee, which means that everyone can find a ride to suit their budget.

The beta version of Tebengan will be available to the general public by this summer. The client plans to release the full product by the end of the year and proceed to development of native applications for mobile devices.

Magora: Result
Magora IT company project: UFurniture Logistics
Transport & Logistics apps, E-commerce and POS apps
UFurniture Logistics

With the help of a new logistics platform, our UK partner, an independent furniture manufacturer, increased their efficiency via just-in-time logistics and a digitally-managed scheduling system for their assembly teams.

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