Do I Need to Pay Apple Developer Fee to Build iOS Applications?

Recently I have witnessed a chat between the students who were discussing iPhone application development. One of them said that to develop iOS applications you need to pay a huge fee. The other guy replied that his friend was wrong and one could get access to all the developer tools for free. But who is on the right - are you really obliged to pay to design Apple applications or is there any way you can do it for free? Let us check it out.

Started In IOS Development
There are four key aspects that you need to consider:
  • You can become a member of the Apple Developer Program for free
  • The Apple’s Xcode integrated development environment (IDE) is free to download, but it is only available for Mac computers
  • If you want to distribute your software on the Apple’s App Store, you need to register as an iOS developer. This kind of official membership will cost you a yearly fee of $99.
More Things to Consider
  • If you need to test the software you have built in Xcode, you can install them on your personal iPhone or iPad without paying any fees.
  • If the applications you are going to develop are not for public distribution, but instead, you want to use them within your enterprise, you will have to pay an enterprise fee, which is $299 per year.
  • There may be some extra costs involved, for example, for source control. You can check out details on the Apple’s website. Typically such costs are no more than $100.
Now you know how to get started as an Apple developer.

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Can I Do Without an Apple Developer Account?

Many software development beginners ask this question. They download Xcode on their Mac and run the apps the build on simulators, where they seem to work all right. However, they want to test their programs on actual devices to be 100% sure that what they create performs well. They do not aim at earning money from releasing their applications to App Store, so they wonder whether they can get an opportunity to install their applications on personal device without paying the 99$ fee.

Test Your App For Free

With the release of the Xcode 7 integrated development environment, developers do not have to pay a fee to be able to test their apps on their smartphones and computers. Everyone can test their apps for free on their personal devices manufactured b Apple. With Swift and the latest version of Xcode it has become easier than ever to create iOS apps, assuring their quality. All you need to do is to sign up using your Apple ID and run your application on your iPhone, iPad or any other Apple product.

The Benefits of Xcode

If you already have Xcode installed, you can go and check it right now. You do not even have to become a member of the Apple Developer Program. You can find more information on testing iOS applications on personal devices on the official Apple website. So now you know that you do not need to install dangerous software from third-party sources to be able to test your applications in emulators - you can do it officially by simply downloading Xcode and using your iCloud account.



Do I Need an Apple Developer or an Apple Enterprise Membership

If you are building an iPhone or iPad application with a prospect of releasing it to the general public in mind, you need to get registered as a member of the Apple Developer program. There is a way out - you can build a web-based application that iOS users will access from a web browser installed on their device, but such web-based apps are in many ways inferior to native solutions so we would not recommend you to go down this path. Consequently, you need to sign up for the Apple’s licensing program only if you wish to distribute your application via App Store where users will be able to download it and install on their devices.

Types Of Apple Developer Membership

There are two types of developer programs available for developers - the individual license and the Enterprise Apple Developer Program. Clients frequently ask us about what kind of membership they need, that is why we would like to tell you about the differences between the two membership types. If your goal is to publish applications to App Store, then there are two Apple Developer Program types that will suit you.

Have Any More Questions?

After you have chosen the program that suits you best, you can create as many applications that you want - you are not limited by anything. Moreover, you can sign up for the both programs to release your software to the general public and to create software specifically for your employees. If you have any questions about iOS development or want to chat about the digital possibilities for your business, drop us a line, we will be happy to help.

  • Cost: $99 per year
  • Possibilities:
    • App distribution via App Store
    • Software testing on personal Apple devices
  • App usage: When you have developed and tested the app, you submit it to App Store where it goes through a reviewal process, which takes around ten days. If your software is approved, it becomes available at App Store.
  • Advanced app capabilities and analytics
  • Cost: $299 per year
  • Possibilities:
    • Distribute applications directly across your company's staff
    • Test software on personal Apple devices
    • Receive technical support services
  • App usage: When you have developed and tested the app, you can start using it instantly without any reviews.
  • Testing and support

As you can see, the main criteria on which to base your decision of the appropriate type of Apple Developer membership is whether your will be released to the general public or will be used within your company only. In other words:

  • If you plan to distribute the application among the users of Apple device, you need to sign up for the iOS Developer Program.
  • If you build an application for the internal use within your company, you need to sign up for the iOS Developer Enterprise Program.

Is it Difficult to Make an App?

Mobile app market is extremely appealing or developers.The barrier to enter it is very low, You do not need to be a genius with million of dollars to build a mobile app. Do you have a great idea that could become a next Uber or another Angry Birds? Then, go ahead! If you have a lot of free time and a desire to learn the basic of programming, you can turn your ideas into steady sources of income. The availability of application development resources and tools gives everyone an advantage of becoming the next star in the mobile world. If you want to enter the exciting world of smartphone apps, then you should be ready to learn a programming language for the platform of your choice or invest into a solution built by professional app developers.

How Much Does It Cost To Develop An App?

If you are new to app development, the prices can seem shocking. The costs of application development today strat from around $15000 for a very basic application. In other words, you will pay this amount of money to get an application that performs only one basic function, has from 3 to 5 screens and a very simple design. If you want to add more functionality, the prices will start at $25000 approximately.

apple developer fee

Get An App From iOS Development Experts

Magora application developers are well-versed in all kinds of digital solutions for business - from native mobile applications to bespoke software and responsively designed websites.

Our team of experienced designers and programmers located in London, UK, build software that is secure, stable and flexible enough to evolve along with your growing business. Over ten years in the software design industry we have delivered applications across various industries such as education, healthcare, logistics and transportation, entertainment, retail and many more. We not only program and test the apps, we go far beyond that, providing businesses with digital consulting, search engine optimisation, product marketing, social media campaigns and continuous technical support. We are proud of our skilful and talented team of designers, developers, testers, business analysts, architects and other specialists who create amazing applications that bring value. We would be extremely happy if you chose us as the perfect team to bring your new digital ideas to life.

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