How to Create an Enterprise App?

There are two ways to build enterprise software - to outsource it to an app development agency or to hire full-time developers.

The second option is often preferred by companies that want to take full control over the app development process, ensure that the product keeps in line with the established branding and introduce changes at any stage of the app’s lifecycle. The benefits of bespoke enterprise apps are innumerous, but if you want to distribute your iOS application across the employees, you will need to get registered for the Enterprise App Developer Program.

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How to Get Registered for the Enterprise App Developer License

Magora’s team of iOS developers have created a guide to getting the Enterprise Apple Developer License for everyone who wishes to design a native Apple app for their staff.

First of all, check the information about the license on the Apple’s official website.

Keep in mind that you will have to pay the yearly fee of $299.

Before applying for the membership, make sure that you meet all the criteria specified by Apple for the enterprises who wish to enroll:

  • The software you will build is only for the internal usage within your organisation, not for general distribution
  • You are authorised to sign your business up for the Apple Enterprise Developer Program.
  • Your company is registered in the Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS). If you do not have a DUNS number, you will need to get one.
  • To develop iPhone apps, you need to have a Mac computer running OS X Mavericks or a later version.

To get an enterprise app developer account, you need to sign up using your Apple ID. If you already have an accounted registered for your Apple ID, we would recommend you to create a new one specifically for the enterprise use to avoid any confusion.

If you have decided to get a new account, you need to click on the “Create Apple ID” button. Then, input all the information that is required on the page. It includes the information on your name, address, password, security, billing details and so on. When you are finished, click the “Create Apple ID” button at the bottom.

Then you will be asked to verify your email address. Go to the email box you have registered with and open the email sent by Apple, where you will need to follow the instructions, clicking the “Verify Now” button and getting redirected to the Apple’s website with your verification ready. Now, you can proceed to getting your license.

Go back to the page you started with and log in using the Apple ID you have just created. Once you have accepted Apple’s terms and conditions, you can be congratulated on becoming an official Apple developer. So so not waste any more time, read the terms and check the box to accept them.

The next screen you will see will be Apple asking you to tell it about yourself. Fill all the forms and continue by clicking the “Register” button.

At the next step, you will be required to enter the information that confirms your legal authority to bind your organization to the Apple Developer Program. Do not forget that you must be an owner of the enterprise or to be authorised to register the account.

On the next page you will be asked to provide the information about your company, including the DUNS number. Make sure that your DUNS information is up to date because Apple will automatically use the address listed in the system. When you have entered all the obligatory data, you will need to review and submit the details to finalise your registration. Click “Continue” to enroll in the program. You will get the membership ID and an automated email from Apple.

However, do not get excited too soon - you will need to wait until the Apple confirms your legal authority to register your company for the program. The process can take from one to four weeks. When Apple is done, they will give you a call, asking two questions to make sure that you understand the purpose and the terms of the enterprise license. Let us remind you just one more time - you need the Enterprise Apple Developer license if you want to create iOS apps that will be distributed among the employees of your company, otherwise you will need to sign up for another program. The first question company's representative will ask you is: “How are you going to distribute your applications?” While the second is “Are you authorised to sign up for the license on behalf of your organisation?”. These questions are just a formality aimed at ensuring that you have the legal authority or you are the owner of the enterprise. If you give the correct answers, your membership query will be approved. You will receive another email with instructions on how to complete the registration.

Click the links to the Program License Agreement and accept the terms.

Then you will need to pay £249 for one year of membership. Provide your payment details and get enrolled.

You will then receive an email with the confirmation that the payment has been successfully done and the another email saying that your account has been activated.



How to Test Apps on Your Device Without Paying Apple Developer Price

Over the years, we have met many individual developers who want to create iOS apps complain about the high price for getting enrolled in the Apple’s program. Do I really need the Apple Developer membership? Wow, it costs as much as $99 per year! This is just really greedy from the Apple’s part. Actually, you do not have to pay a dime to build and deploy apps to your personal device.

Free Vs Paid Membership

If your intention is to create iOS apps to make money publishing it to the App Store, you de need to pay for the iOS Developer license. Sorry, but here is no other way to do get your app to the general public. But do not get too upset - if you want to practice iOS development or create a program for your personal use, you are not obliged to pay anything. Many app development newcomers use this awesome opportunity to learn the basic of iOS programming, get familiar with the Xcode integrated development environment and use other official tools without investing too much.

What Do You Need To Register For Free?

You can read about the full capabilities of the both account types at the Apple Documentation Library. To be able to get access to the free iOS Developer membership, you will need the following:

Start Creating iOS Apps for your Business!

Magora developers hope that this step-by-step guide helps you facilitate the process of getting the enterprise license and avoid any misunderstandings. By the way, when your enterprise is enrolled in the Apple Developer Enterprise Program, you still can outsource software development to third-party experts. So if you are not ready to do all the complex coding, engineering, designing and testing on your own our experienced team of software developers and designers are here for you - get in touch and we will see how we can help.

iOS Developer Program License Agreement

apple develop price

Here is a citation from the iOS Developer Program License Agreement that confirms the above said:

For the sake of clarity, you may authorize contractors to develop Internal Use Applications on Your behalf, but any such Internal Applications must be owned by You, developed under Your own developer account, and deployed as Internal Use Applications only as expressly permitted herein. You are responsible to Apple for Your contractors’ activities under Your account (e.g., adding them to Your team to perform development work for You) and their compliance with this Agreement. Any actions undertaken by Your contractors arising out of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been taken by You, and You (in addition to Your contractors) shall be responsible to Apple for all such actions.
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