Casual Films

Casual Films

“They’re accessible, and it doesn’t feel like I’m working with a faceless team.” Adam Ruddick, COO, Casual Films


The Magora team was thrilled to contribute to the creation of a revolutionary platform for the Casual Films agency. This unique tool empowers producers to seamlessly navigate and manage video projects at every stage. Clients benefit from features that include meticulous tracking of expenses and revenue, providing valuable oversight for financiers. Notably, the platform facilitates global collaboration by enabling the engagement of freelancers from around the world, adding a dynamic and diverse dimension to project execution. The Magora team takes pride in being a part of this transformative venture for Casual Films.


Magora: Brief

Magora demonstrated proactive leadership by undertaking the development of a robust platform from the ground up, with a strategic focus on enhancing several key components.



The implementation of Freelancer functionality stands out, enabling personalized accounts, streamlined invoicing processes, and comprehensive freelancer profiles. This enhancement was complemented by the integration of availability requests and product lists, significantly boosting system efficiency. Moreover, the incorporation of rate cards facilitated seamless management.

In addition to functional improvements, Magora dedicated effort to revamp the platform's user interface (UI). The outdated UI was replaced with a contemporary design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also more intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring a more engaging and satisfying user experience.

Magora: Solution

The collaboration between Casual Films and Magora resulted in a comprehensive platform that streamlined the video production process. By consolidating all external services into one platform and providing project management functionality, it offered a clear view of project progress to all parties involved.

In terms of functionality, the product significantly improved the performance of Producers and Financiers by reducing the need to switch between different software solutions. This not only saved time but also minimized the potential for human error. As a result, it has the potential to increase company revenues by enhancing operational efficiency and accuracy in financial management. The project effectively addressed the initial problem statement, making Casual Films' operations more seamless and productive.


Magora: Result
Magora IT company project: AstraZeneca
Enterprise software, Magora's Top Software Development Cases

The collaboration with Magora significantly improved AstraZeneca's financial reporting capabilities. The customized dashboards, enriched with diverse widgets and automated features, provided a user-friendly and efficient platform for in-depth financial analysis. Real-time updates and live chat support further enhanced the decision-making process for AstraZeneca's top management.

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