How to Launch a Tech Startup?

Do you know that many digital startups were launched by people who have no experience in the IT? It means that you can achieve digital success without writing a line of code. You can hire a company of developers to do the coding while you will be busy running the company. However, you will still have to deal with a lot of application development aspects like idea validation, marketing strategy, monetisation, user acquisition and retention, client support, finance management, accounting and more.

You Do Not Necessarily Need To Know How To Code
Are you still here, or have such an endless list scared you off? To say the truth, even if you are a professional developer company who launched a startup, you are most likely not to never write a single line of code when your application becomes popular. What we are trying to say here is that if you do not know what is what in application building, you can still achieve success in the IT industry if you have creative ideas, business thinking, and entrepreneurial talent. Just Google it and you will find a lot of success stories of people who have no understanding of technologies but who nevertheless got rich and famous thanks to smartphone software.
Do Not Waste
Your Time
On the other hand, it may take ages for you to find the right application development company who will assist you in your ambitious venture - and in the ever changing business world, every minute counts. As a matter of fact, the best software developers company are busy with their high-paying clients or they have already founded their own startups. Do not waste your time - read our guide and learn how you can bring your ideas of a smartphone application to life if you do not know anything about IT.

Our Achievements:

322 App Development Projects
413 Mobile Applications
75 Enterprise Software Solutions

Learn How to Build Software

Millions of people worldwide know how to do it, and without a doubt, you can learn how to build applications too. The internet today is full of tutorials, videos, blogs and other resources that teach programming to absolute beginners, so seize the opportunity while you have it. Getting started is not hard - when you have created your first basic program with a simple functionality, it will be really easy to keep on learning more and more, honing your skills and broadening horizons. This core app can even be a minimum viable product, or MVP, which is a shippable version that you can launch to the market for users to download it, share their feedback and interact with your company.

Get The Ball Rolling

This will help you get funding for your project, for instance, for crowdfunding platforms, find developers company who can get interested in your project and decide to join and, of course, connect to the first customer who will buy your products and services, giving you money to grow and expand. The MVP will get the ball rolling, providing you with a clear picture of the market demand for your product and the audience you need to target.

Hire IT Experts From Our App Building Company

If you have no intention or time to learn to program and want to focus on running the company instead, find a team of professional software developers company who have a background in your business area and are willing to be a part of a startup. For instance, almost all clients who approach Magora with development projects are entrepreneurs who have no experience in coding but who want to build apps to sell their products and make money.

However, choose your development partners carefully, aiming at a long-term relationship. This is not outsourcing or offshoring, this is a mutually beneficial partnership. We know that it can be tempting to hire cheap workforce for emerging economies who are ready to work day and night for $10 an hour. You should not try to save money on development because the quality of your application is the key element of your company's success.

Let us explain you in more detail why it is so important to choose the right programmers for the job. First of all, a developer who lacks expertise needs highly detailed software specification requirements - without them, they do not know what to do and where to move. When it comes to true professionals, all you need is to share your idea, and they will help you conceptualise it into a comprehensive project map. Sometimes it can be easier to write the whole program yourself than to explain to amateurs what features you want to implement. So do not forget to interview the candidates and take a look at their portfolio.

Let us summarise and outline your first steps as a startup founder:

  • Invest into building a high-quality minimum viable product with core functionality
  • Ask your friends and family to help you out with money or get a loan
  • Do not invest much - build the first version that performs only one function, but make it unique and good-looking. You will have time to expand the set of features in the future.
  • Launch the MVP to the market and monitor ts performance. Employ a monetisation strategy to receive profit from the first day, use crowdfunding platforms or attract private investors.
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Use App Building Software

Development industry is famous for the variety of off-the-shelf solutions and application building platforms that allow you to build a mobile app within an hour and without any knowledge of the IT.

However, these tools are limited in functionality and security and can only be helpful in the case of small companies that need to organise their workflow or connect to a limited number of customers. On the other hand, if you need a fully-featured product that will cover the wide range of business problems and engage the general public, software building platforms are not the right choice.

The App Development Dream Team

To say the truth, we have described all possibilities you have if you want to build an application without learning how to code. Creating a program requires a team of professional with an in-depth understanding of the technologies and development environment, great analytical skills, expertise in UI and UX design, who know how to code in compliance with the worldwide standards, how to ensure that your application gets Apples approval to be published in App Store and how to eliminate any risks, bugs, and crashes.



Work with the Best Development Team

Do you still think that you can get all this from an offshore company who work for $10 dollars per hour? We doubt that. To bring your newly founded company to success you should find the most qualified team with a relevant expertise. Your product is the core thing you offer to consumers, and you cannot afford it to be bad because it can ruin your image and drive customers away. Work with our mobile application developers based in London, UK, with offices in different cities around the globe. We are experts in building top-notch applications that bring tangible value and perfectly meet the requirements.

Broad Experience in Software Development

Magora has been delivering apps to businesses of all size for almost 10 years, having started at the very dawn of the smartphone era. Over the years we have accomplished more than 350 software development projects and have earned the reputation of industry leading experts and technological pioneers who accelerate IT innovation. We do more than build and code your apps for iOS and Android. We deliver full-fledged digital products for various platforms such as Android tablets, iPads, wearable devices, Apple Watch, responsively designed websites, Windows apps and bespoke enterprise software. Our well-versed team of designers, coders, analysts, marketers and other digitals specialists can tackle even the most complex projects.

building apps uk

Our expertise covers various platforms and technologies:

  • iOS
  • Android
  • Wearable devices
  • Web-based solutions
  • Bespoke enterprise software
  • Complex hardware and software integration and third-party service integration

Get in Touch to Discuss Your Project

Have you already thought of the best plan how to bring your startup idea to life or need the help of professionals to guide you when you make the first steps?

Drop us a line and we will estimate the cost of building an MVP and suggest tons of different ways how to improve and expand it in the long run. We are waiting to hear from you.

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