Pharm Card

Pharm Card

Pharm Card Pharm Card Pharm Card

Pharm Card is a sophisticated software system created by Magora for the sales branch of international pharmaceuticals company EGIS, whose headquarters are located in Hungary. Our task was to exchange the hundreds of Excel files each medical rep has to fulfill during their daily visits to pharmacies and to provide a system where all data can be easily entered via tablets (iPad), providing clear statistics on product sales and the contract performance to company management in online mode. One of the client’s wishes for the software was to guarantee stable work offline in case of internet connection gaps and automated data synchronisation for the whole system.

Our first priority was to plunge fully into the specifics of the client’s work, understand the core processes of the corporation and walk in med-reps’ shoes to create functional bespoke software with a convenient UI, fully meeting the client’s requirements and being able to automate routine processes and provide expedite data management functionality.

The Magora team have created a sophisticated software tool, consisting of an iOS mobile app for linear medical reps and web-based desktop application for the company’s senior staff, where different levels of access provide options for viewing or editing reports and analysing the figures. Some of the mobile app’s features, like the integrated GPS-module for quick recognition of all nearby pharmacies and robust offline mode - giving sales reps the opportunity to work even in case of poor internet connection - have increased the efficiency of the company’s front-line staff.


We built the native iOS app and web application and the architecture for the SKU DB, based on several spreadsheets, provided by the client. All this data was integrated into one system, available via iPad or web interface with the ability to update the assortment, thus avoiding duplicates and accidental deletion, based on fresh data from the supplier, provided in the Excel files.

When visiting a pharmacy, a medical representative can easily enter the data on:

  • Quantity of goods;
  • Offtake (OOS=out of stock for pharma companies);
  • Sales volume;
  • Purchase recommendations;
  • Contract control: availability, merchandising, promo actions;
  • Other notes.

The web panel provides managers with access to all data in order to:

  • Control the process;
  • Keep up with the results;
  • Check the reports on sales/purchasing;
  • Review stock availability.

The interface was created with great attention to detail, with the inclusion of a wide range of filters and roles to save users’ time and optimise processes. Automated reports are now available as well.

Tech Stack

  • Back-end: AWS EC2 (Ubuntu Server); AWS RDS (Postgresql 9.6); AWS Elastic Load Balancer; AWS S3 (Media Storage); AWS Cloud Front as cdn; AWS Lambada; AWS SNS/SQS; AWS Cloud Watch; AWS Route 53; Java 1.8; Maven; Spring Boot; Spring Core; Spring Data; Hibernate; Swagger; Lombok; Docker; Ansible.
  • Front-end: AngularJS; AdminLTE; Webpack.
  • iOS: Alamofire; ObjectMapper; Rx Swift; Core; Foundation, UI kit; Realm.

Based on the client’s requirements, the mobile app displays information on the available SKUs, actual stock, plans, and statements for each pharmacy, order - which can be corrected on-the-go - and other valuable statistics.  With Pharm Card, medical representatives get an indispensable tool that increases the accuracy and efficiency of their day-to-day work, while the senior executives received the actual picture of the sales and market to control and do the strategic decision. The project is ready and used by the staff now. Our collaboration with the client is in progress, new features for increasing the corporate work efficiency will be implemented based on the company needs.

Magora IT company project: SwipedOn
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