Software and Functionality Types

The type of program you want to create and its technical specifications are the main cost components. Software is becoming more dynamic and there are no restrictions on what can be programmed.

The Main Types of Programs are:


This software is designed to display an exceptionally simple set of information. Generally, it provides users with data that, in turn, can be selected from available alternatives and redirected to additional materials on the subject. In other words, it works perfectly as a simple and friendly website for mobile devices.


These are more complex software and apps that allow users to search, sort and share information from very large sets of information. Database applications often connect to a website or other online service to retrieve data, making their development more complicated than their desktop analogues.


These applications are just like database applications, but instead of connecting to a web server for statistical purposes, they need to collaborate with other software and structures through APIs. For example, a third-party Facebook would need to be integrated with its API to import contacts and other data. APIs are complex, so this enhancement of software development can range from low-cost growth to very expensive.


Games are the most difficult application to create. Simple games can compete more in terms of price and complexity with a dynamic application, but more complex gaming elements with 3D environments or higher physics engines can be much more expensive than any other software systems.

Our Achievements:

322 App Development Projects
413 Mobile Applications
75 Enterprise Software Solutions

Why Choose Magora for iPad App Development Services?

We at Magora focus on applications for iPads and holistically understand the scope that iOS operating system offers for the creation of innovative applications. The creation of an application for Apple devices takes lots of effort as we are looking to tap into the user base of Apple through iPhone and iPad; hence our project team consists of immensely skilled developers and iPad app programmers who have ample experience of working on Apple’s App Store and iOS.

Cost Elements for Mobile Software Development

The cost of creating mobile software is based on the following factors:

Platforms and environment. Programming for all systems greatly increases costs. This is because Apple uses the iPhone Xcode IDE and the programming language Objective-C or Swift, while Android uses the Java programming language and Windows - C #. If you build an app for all platforms and use the native coding language of each operating system, development costs are doubled or tripled due to the development time required using different programming languages ​​on each platform. Our specialists can also build a program using hybrid development tech, such as JavaScript, HTML5 and CSS, and apply PhoneGap to prepare your software for all systems. This will significantly reduce costs.

Complexity of design. The number of screens has an immediate effect on costs: the more screens, the more work.

It's a good idea to create simpler screens with easy navigation using standard elements. This will improve usability and reduce development costs. If your design includes animated views and detailed graphical elements with many complex navigation factors, development costs are higher. Successful mobile software is built according to design and interface guidelines, and our developers know how to visualise the UI on each screen in the most efficient yet visually appealing way in order to meet the most demanding users’ wishes while matching your cost expectations.

Development from Scratch Vs. Adapting Standard Widgets and Conventions. The more custom elements you add, the more time it takes to create your app. The development environment for iOS apps and those that work with Android or Windows also contain certain widgets to create the standard convention, navigation, changing exposures and animations and various elements of user interaction. By using the standard convention, developing software could be more profitable.

E-commerce and in-app purchases. If your program is intended to process finance operations, our developers are the most cautious with calculations and security. In-app purchases and cash-time management uploads slow down software development, due to the fact it takes more time to ensure the calculations are correct and the application is secure. Even after completion of development, our company performs additional testing for transactions to ensure the accuracy of the calculations before the program is put into operation.

Integration with third-party APIs and Complex Animation. If software requires communication with different services, developers interact with third-party APIs. This may require more time in order to enforce them correctly, but our team has extensive experience in integrating a wide variety of APIs and any integration will be implemented flawlessly.

Animations or custom and complex games can stretch development time to its limits. Complex animations that do not offer practical functions can slow down your product and frustrate users. Our development group always plans the user interface carefully to avoid complex animations that serve no practical purpose and aim to create the most user-friendly design.

Support for multiple resolutions. There are 3 types of portable devices: Smartphones, Phablets (the size of the display is between that of a smartphone and a tablet), Tablets.

The above devices all have unique screen resolutions. For new versions of various operating systems there are ways to adapt content to their maximum screen sizes, but to create user interfaces for all resolutions can be very time consuming and considerably increase general costs.

Support for all operating system versions. Software development for iPhone is cheaper as there aren’t so many versions of the platform compared to Android. Magora always ensures the safe and correct operation of all programs in any version of the operating system through bulletproof quality control procedures and constant testing. However, we recommend focusing on the latest versions of the operating system in order to reduce costs.

Each case is unique. The most important point to keep in mind is that every particular capability required brings a corresponding cost. Some types of functionality seem to be fairly straightforward but are in fact very expensive to build, while other features can be notably inexpensive. A client won’t know the exact price until the developer costs the project according to their needs. Contact us to get a free quote for your iPhone solution.

Software Wireframing

Wireframing is an essential strategy for software development since it forms the basis of the directions in which an app should be designed and presented. One important problem is that it’s going to be much more time-consuming and expensive to remake the screens or rebuild the functionality of a native app as opposed to a web application. Therefore, it is crucial to create the wireframes before development begins.

At some point the wireframes lead the UX experts and developers to brainstorming sessions with the project owner to figure out how the program should look and feel. The more complex the product, the more screens it has - therefore, the longer it takes to complete Wireframing. To complete the task our UX experts draw up the screens, navigation and all the elements and note the functionalities for each.


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Development Process

Software development is a complicated multi-level process that requires the highest level of professionalism and experience. The Magora team has developed more than 150 solutions for iOS and Android-based devices and are ready to realise the boldest ideas at a fair price.

Frontend. Screen Layout - while designing frontends for software systems, we create the perfect visualisation of your concepts.

App programming - this is where the screens of your future app are born (frontend).

Backend. Software / Database Framework - Attaching the server-side (cloud / backend) structure of the application and develop the database structure. Server-side programming - Writing all the server-side code to enforce backend functionality. API Development - Encoding all APIs that connect the screen to the software and the server-side database.

Usability. Usability QA - Testing for errors and solving problems. Multi-platform, multi-gadget, operating system versions, QA resolutions - We need to test the app on all distinctive systems and different versions of the relevant OS.

Testing. Backend QA - backend code and performance and security testing.

Cloud Configuration - installing the server-side utility on the server / cloud.

Share. Posting - delivery of the program to the store. Our experts guarantee easy approval and launch.

The Average Cost Breakdown May Look like this:

  • Defining a product, strategy and reachable minimum expectations - 16 hours
  • UX and visual design - 64 hours
  • Programming - 80 hours and QA - 24 hours
  • Release - 16 hours

Total - 200 hours

ipads apps programmers

Our company strives for our clients’ success - we do everything we can to implement your project in the most cost-effective way. Using the same rates as before, we expect a 97-day project to cost between £48,500 and £97,000 - which our company can realise for £40,000.

As you can see, a "primary" application takes 5 weeks of work (excluding preliminary conversations). Development organisations put the cost at between £500 and £1,000 a day. For a 25-day project, the budget is £12,000 to £25,000. The same project carried out at Magora will cost about £10,000. Adding additional functions and skills obviously requires more time from everyone involved and costs will increase accordingly.

Calculating Expenditure

When you’re considering the project budget, think of the value you can bring to your business and do not skimp on future success.

From time to time, what people consider a short or "primary" project is much harder than it sounds, but a well-organised and experienced software development team from Magora is ready for any challenge and will embrace any concept of any size and scale. Take it from the ground up to a fully targeted, cost-oriented product that will bring your business exactly what it needs.

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