App Development for Education

We are experienced business consultants and can help you to develop your business idea into a real IT project. A large proportion of Magora’s services involves the development of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) for startups, as well as more complicated bespoke solutions.

Just how popular are applications for education?

As of summer 2016, more than 130 billion apps were downloaded from the App Store

  • The App Store for iOS devices has over 8,8% educational app users. That's third place, after games and business apps;
  • Potential learners (anyone with a smartphone) measure nine of ten people globally.

With all the progress being made in this field, it has been filled with competition. With each passing day, more ideas are being implemented, potential market share shrinks and entry becomes more difficult, which is why it’s so important to develop your idea right away and stay ahead of the competition. Magora is fully prepared to bring projects from the early stages of idea growth and discussion to fully functional, monetised applications and software.

Why Are Educational Apps Such a Thriving Business?

  • Accessibility. Smartphones grant us access to information and people with the press of a button 24/7, from any location. With a properly developed app, this is even possible without a network connection. All of that power is portable, too, which translates into learning that can carry from the classroom to beyond.
  • Different Types of Learning. Students learn in different ways, and educational apps can offer targeted learning for those who prefer to see, hear or do, which means a more personalised approach and greater learning outcomes, unrestricted by classroom and scheduling restraints.
  • Organisation. Lessons can be hectic. Students and even teachers may miss something during a class, but with well-planned applications, all material and information is hardwired in, meaning students have high expectations for what and how they will learn, a mutual accountability that fosters education.
  • Fun. Many people overlook this aspect, but learning through an application can be gamified, as many leading educational apps have been, which means a user's experience is engaging and there is a motivation to continue, even through otherwise difficult information.
  • Go Green. One of the great benefits of digital education is its reduction in paper, so learning through an app is great for the mind and the environment alike.
If you have an idea and are interested in discussing it with a team of app developers who have the same passion for learning that you do, Magora is here. We pride ourselves on our ability to rapidly produce high-quality products, and we can quickly build you a functional prototype that blends your ideas with our deep understanding of educational issues, the app market and our technical expertise. In a dynamic environment with fierce competition, such as the App Store and Google Play, Magora assists their clients to succeed with additional support, such as monetisation strategies and upgrades to stay at the cutting edge.

Learning apps, school and university administration networks, bespoke software for education: wherever your interests lie, Magora is fully equipped and ready to work with you. Contact us with details about your idea and we will send you a tailored presentation of past projects and an overview of how our developers envision the fully-realised version of your app.
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