10 Important Data Reporting Software Features

Choosing a new reporting solution is a difficult task. There are many options. Do you need a BI tool? Or the project's reporting tool? View the report online, show the downloaded report or show both? We have the answers you need. Review the functions you need and order your bespoke data reporting software to meet your business goals.

One-Click Report

You are always reporting. This is a way to communicate the progress of the project to interested parties, but it also helps communicate useful data to the team. It goes without saying that this is a key function of the job and one that will return frequently throughout the project.
The creation of reports is difficult, and for many project managers it is inconvenient to create and format reports that capture the necessary information and deliver it in well-organised way.

Therefore, you need a report tool that can create a report with a single click of the keyboard. Good data reporting software provides multiple standard reports in a couple of simple steps.

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Stakeholders and team members need very different data. Therefore, you need a tool that can quickly and easily customise these reports.
For example, stakeholders are likely to be interested in a wide range of questions. Is the project progressing on time and within budget? Filters allow you to customise the report to reflect only the data you need on team members, projects, tasks or schedules.
The last thing you want is data reporting software that does all this but with such a complicated and obscure interface that you can hardly understand what’s happening. The software we build is intuitive - you don’t need to study the operations manual at weekends or invest in training for you and your team.
Very often you can’t do everything you want in a single program. There are your calendars and mail programs, or other types of data management apps that you or your team are using or that are being used by interested parties. Regardless of who uses them, the last thing you want to do is jump from program to program when you’re trying to work.
With a bespoke reporting system you can be sure there’s an application program interface (API) that allows interaction with the software in the project reporting tool or the integration of clients into the software.
Seamless Import / Export
You need a comprehensive management tool that performs all the functions necessary to manage your project. You can get flexibility with the software by navigating outside the project reporting tool or entering data manually.
When it comes to importing spreadsheets, there’s no need to break the habit if you're used to starting task lists in Excel - just import that document into the software. You may be asked to name the columns, but all other data can be imported without having to reformat.

If you’re a member of an organisation that uses Microsoft Project, we can build software that can also be used to import MS Project files without formatting problems. In other words, you can work with the data reporting tool by exporting the document to MS Project and leave all the changes intact, thus saving time and money.

We don’t know how interested parties request the exchange of reports. They may want them in Excel or PDF. They could prefer Word documents. Therefore, we need software that can store reports in various formats according to the needs of the teams and stakeholders.

A report is a from of communication, and communication is not a one-way street. We generate reports, but we also have to share them with teams and stakeholders. Whether you’re submitting a sponsor or attaching a file to an email and distribute it to a team, you need a reporting solution that can do this easily.

Your reporting software can give you an option. If you need to create an attachment and add it to an email, you can do so. Also, when you share, download or print online, you can be free to make the final decision when choosing a method for sharing reports without being constrained by software limitations.

With the use of software in real time, you can incorporate data into the system when the team updates it. At the same moment you can capture the project with greater precision. Each time you update your status or worksheet, the software will reflect the changes - there’s no need to do anything manually.

Outdated information will not be shown, but you will be able to see what happens at that point in the project to make the report more accurate. In addition, if interested parties want to dig into the details, they can access this information. You can visualise the data you need whenever you want.

Here are some tips to make the most of the reporting software. Getting data when it happens will not be useful for you unless you can somehow update the progress of your project. You can collect information manually, calculate figures and access the current programming board.

But there is a simpler solution. If the project report has automation capabilities, you can set task deadline reminders and send them to the team. You will be notified when the team completes each task. In this way, accurate deadlines remain in place - there is no problem even if you’re inside the project without checking and supervising it.

If the business intelligence software has a board, you don’t need to know graphic design. It also eliminates the need to fight against other apps, since your software can be programmed to handle this automatically.

If you're looking for reporting software that provides real-time data and makes reporting tasks easy, order your own bespoke software with the features you need. This can be cloud-based software linking all aspects of projects and teams, automating simple tasks, streamlining reports and facilitating work, all while remaining user-friendly and attractive.

How Much does Data Reporting Software Cost?

One of the most frequently asked questions is "How much does it cost?" Unfortunately, the answer isn’t a concrete one. The cost of data reporting software depends on several variables, such as the unique requirements of your organisation.
Answering the six questions listed below can give you more information about the needs of your organisation and the data reporting software to suit you.
Bespoke data reporting software

What would you Like to do with the Information?

Do you want to create easy-to-read graphics and diagrams? Are you planning to perform a complex statistical analysis? Do you need to create an operational style report that shows how much the sales team is producing, the average number of days to open a service ticket, etc.?

Who Uses the Data and how do you Use it?

Who will use the data? Experienced IT professionals, business-orientated users or front-line employees? Can users use data and reports on desktop computers, mobile devices, or a combination of both? Does your user need data in real time? Do you need agile or traditional BI? Is data security a priority?

What Type of Service is Required?

Do you want non-technical end users to be able to run reports without relying on IT? Do you work without an IT team and need help from a solid model of customer success?

What’s your Budget?

The cost of analytical reporting software varies widely from one provider to another and a bespoke solution is not an exception. Before you start comparing ready-made data software solutions, you should be sure of how much you can spend. This avoids wasting time investigating expensive solutions.

Where are the Data?

Are the data you want to process stored in your company's database? Is it in an Excel spreadsheet? Is it contained in the cloud? Is some of the data in one place and the rest somewhere else? Is a BI solution necessary to integrate data from multiple sources?

How is the Cost Evaluated?

When evaluating the budget of BI, there are several factors that increase the cost of data reporting software. When you consider ready-made solutions, the price is not necessarily equal to the value. In fact, many entrepreneurs spend enormous sums on maintaining solutions that seem affordable at first glance and do not get the ROI they expect.

Here at Magora, we Offer Bespoke Development

  • The right set of functions you need and professional project management;
  • User-friendly software, support and training;
  • Transparent and flexible pricing and timing.

Your software will be able to expand in step with your business and bring you the value you’re looking for. Find your answers to the questions above, contact Magora developers to evaluate the project and let us find the way to save your time for more important tasks.

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