Transport & Logistics apps

Armed with new applications, our clients from the transport industry have become market leaders, which makes us extremely proud of these logistics and transport app development cases! Magora has created multiple software for logistics and transportation industries covering different purposes, including tracking apps for delivery services, optimization of warehouse space usage and sophisticated ship management software. Want to easily follow orders or optimise delivery? Or embed geomonitoring via Google Maps API? We’ve got your back.

Magora developed transportation apps that gather all the necessary info about delivery status and vehicle availability. Check out Delivery Management Systems and Tebengan cases! Wish to integrate software with hardware to monitor for malfunctions? Railway software is an example. Analyse critical information, and send automatically renewed reports for higher efficiency. That is exactly what we have done with VPS - marine logistics app. Our experts apply themselves fully to the tasks on the highest level, and reach agreed targets. Also have a closer look at our other cases, which give you some more details about the nature of our work.

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"Let Smart Bots Speed up your Business"
Date: 27.09.2018 Time: 2 p.m. BST
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