
Node.js is a server platform for working with JavaScript through the V8 engine. JavaScript performs the action on the client side, and Node let the commands, written on JS to be implemented on the server. With Node, front-end programmers can write full-fledged software applications. Node can call commands from JavaScript code, work with external libraries, and act as a web server.

Node Advantages

Node is easier to scale. When thousands of users connect to the server at the same time, Node works asynchronously, that is, it sets priorities and allocates resources more intelligently. Java, for example, allocates a separate stream for each connection.


  • Asynchronous scripts based on events. All Node.js APIs are asynchronous: non-blocking downloads. In essence, this means that a Node based server never expects data to be returned from the API. After the call, the server proceeds to the next API, and the Node.js events notification mechanism helps the server to get a response from the previous call.
  • Very fast. Being built on the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript browser, the Node.js library runs very quickly in code.
  • Single-threaded but easily scalable - Node.js uses a single-threaded model with an event loop. The Event engine helps the server respond in a non blocking way and provides high scalability, unlike traditional servers that create limited threads for processing requests. Node uses a single-threaded program, and the same program can serve much more requests than traditional servers, such as the Apache HTTP Server.
  • No buffering - Node.js apps do not buffer data. Apps simply output data in parts.

Where is Node.js used?

Node.js has established itself as an ideal technological solution in the following areas:

  • Input / Output applications
  • Streaming apps
  • Intensive use of data in real time (DIRT)
  • JSON API based applications

Node is successfully used by such large companies as eBay,Microsoft, PayPal, General Electric, Uber,  GoDaddy, Wikipins, Yahoo!.

Read how we build great apps with Node.js.

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