iOS 9.3 Application Development: Rest a Little Easier

At the beginning of 2016, Apple produced the latest iOS 9.3 upgrade, which became famous not only for its innovations, but also through numerous bugs, some of which nearly cost Apple their reputation. Magora, as a software development company, always tries to explore the latest news from the IT world and share it with you.
Let’s start with the good. Many of the additional functions which Apple brought in have satisfied their users. Feedback from them has indicated that one of the most interesting and useful innovations is the Night Shift mode. The Apple software developers have figured out the right solution for the night time setting, and now devices won’t punish your eyes with a bright blue light when you try to check your email one last time before going to sleep. The display colours come in a warmer spectrum, and they no longer strain your eyes. The researchers and Apple designers claim that this feature helps to calm the users’ biorhythms and promote better sleep. It’s easy to set up Night Shift, either automatically or manually. And, by the way, it is certainly a great bit of news for cinemas everywhere.
The iOS 9.3 upgrade also personalises news in the For You app. It is tailored to match your interests and suggests others.
Innovations for Health and Trips
Adherents of a healthy lifestyle have likely already checked out the Health application. Now it recognises your active times and opens new opportunities for wellness and body monitoring. Any physical therapist will be happy to see such a fully-fledged health map, which is filled in real time, right there on the phone.
Some settings are now more easily available through 3D Touch, and that saves several milliseconds to iOS owners. Also, you can duplicate and copy your photos during the cropping and other photo editing processes, so you don’t lose the originals. iCloud has become accessible for the iBooks app.
What else? With the iOS 9.3 upgrade, users can protect their notes containing vital information in the Notes app with a standard code or Touch ID. CarPlay offers expanded functions when choosing Apple Music based on your preferences and finding essential places on the roadmap (petrol stations, stores, coffee and so on) when travelling. Additionally, new software from Apple offers educational programmes and apps for students and teachers using an iPad.
1970 Mystery
Six months has passed since iOS 9.3 appeared, but the Internet community is still discussing old and new bugs which the Apple team have dealt with, only to find them again in the next versions. The most famous error, a real killer, may have been the so-called “1970 date bug”. In something right out of the best horror traditions, Internet resources left a cryptic, yet strong warning: “Never! Do you hear?! Never set the date on your iPhone or iPad back to January 1, 1970! Otherwise, it’ll kill your gadget…” Of course, as always in the genre, most people didn’t listen. They disregarded the message, and as a reward they were left waiting on the help centre hotline.
Apple acknowledged this bug and fixed it in a new version. But we feel confident Hollywood will be able to milk it for a movie or two, for sure.
In general, the iOS 9.3 upgrade hasn’t brought any design changes, but has tried to make the life of Apple owners more comfortable and interesting, healthier and smarter with new features and applications. Like any other new software, iOS 9.3 needs time for the developers to set it into action, fix all the bugs and react to the all-too-curious users who manually set their devices back to 1970, perhaps just to see the world burn.